Digitale Geographie
Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Room H4 R2.41.1
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 4
06120 Halle (Saale)
Telefon: 0345/55-28325
Office Hours by Appointment
- Since 2021 Research Associate at MLU Halle-Wittenberg. Working Group Digital Geography.
- 2019–2021 Research Associate at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Working Group Cultural/Political/Digital Geographies.
- Since 2019 Project Member im HERA-Research Project “Governing the Narcotic City. Imaginaries, Practices and Discourses of Public Drug Cultures in European Cities from 1970 until Today” (GONACI).
- 2015–2019 Master Program at the Center for Metropolitan Studies at TU Berlin (Historical Urban Studies).
- 2011–2015 Bachelor Program at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Cultural Geography, English and American Studies, Sociology).
- (2020). Adressing Intimate Partner Violence against Women* during and beyond the Pandemic. In Marginalization and Space in Times of COVID-19. The Narcotic City Lockdown Report.
- (2018). Gefährliche Orte. Unterwegs in Kreuzberg. Berlin: Assoziation A. (gemeinsam herausgegeben als Teil des Autor*innenkollektivs Gras&Beton).
- (2018). Kotti auf der Karte. Für eine kritische Kartographie! In Autor*innenkollektiv Gras&Beton (Hrg.), Gefährliche Orte. Unterwegs in Kreuzberg. (S. 92-110). Berlin: Assoziation A. (gemeinsam mit Johann Braun).
- Mapping and Concealing the “Hotspots”. Governing Drugs and Tourism in Contested Urban Environments. Auf der Tagung Ecologies of Fear. Spatial Politics and Imaginaries of Crisis and Danger, Essen, September 2021.
- Urban Spaces of Drug Use and Tourism in Berlin, Germany. AAG Annual Meeting Seattle (virtuell), April 2021.
- Governing the Narcotic City. Urbane Drogenkulturen, Öffentlicher Raum und Städtetourismus. Erlangen (mit Boris Michel), Januar 2020.
- Urban Tourism, Drugs and Public Spaces of Fear and Pleasure. Posterpresentation, HERA JRP Uses of the Past & Public Spaces Conference, Gdansk, September 2019.
- None during WS 2021/22
- SoSe 2019: Kulturgeographisches Geländepraktikum. Bachelor Kulturgeographie/Physische Geographie/Lehramt. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.